Going the distance – Walking with Dailymile

To help me keep track of my walking (see resolutions post), I’m using two free services. Dailymile aided by Google Maps.

DailyMile is feature rich, but I’m using it just record the date, distance and a short description. I’m using Google Maps with their excellent ‘get directions’ option for walking to roughly work out the distance I input into DailyMile. I tell Google where I started, where I went and then drag the icons to trace my circular route as best I can. Simple but effective. I’m sure on the odd occasion due to off road paths (which google might not be able to help with), I will have to do a wild estimate to minimize the time I take to record stats, but it doesn’t matter.

It’s funky to keep track of the places I’m walking, but also might serve as a motivation aid later in the year. A short or long stroll, it doesn’t really matter. When I say ‘stroll’ I mean it, I intend to go at a rather sedate pace. Not walking for the sake of it, as well as shifting some weight, the fresh air and surroundings also should improve my quality of life. I am already going out again for lunchtime strolls for instance, which should help refresh me for busy afternoons. Plus when possible enjoying the strolls with my better half.

Why not join dailymile also? You can find me here and please add me as a friend.

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