My New Year Resolutions

Walk more!
I just don’t walk enough and need to shift weight. I’ve started making time and seeing as I live in an amazing location, I have no excuses not to enjoy it also. Sounds like an awful resolution I know, but will do me good, plus I have great company to share the walks with and enjoy taking photographs.

Try to avoid people who whinge.
Sounds mean doesn’t it. It’s healthy to complain once in a while, plus I’m a caring chap and a good listener, but I’ve got fed up of hearing constant complaining online and off. I did once read somewhere about surrounding yourself with positive people to help motivate and influence yourself, which sounds pretty darn good. Though I’m just aiming for…. avoid people who whinge over anything without regard for depressing those around them, and never actual tackling the issue they complain about. If I happen to end up surrounded by more incredible people, excellent.

Learn a few new meals / recipes.
I can cook lots of vegetarian meals from different cultures, no problem, but it’s time to up my cooking portfolio. I’m not talking hours in the kitchen, just to learn a few more meals that both my better half and I enjoy. I’m thinking something along the lines of something we’ve not eaten before.

Write more!
Indeed I love to write and write far more than anyone I know, but I want to go further. I enjoy the process and have written for the business world for many years. It’s time to take it further and up the pace.

Improve my English and Maths.
These could of just as easily been ‘learn a language’. I’m pretty good at english and okay at maths, but I’m adding english and maths to my hobbies anyhow. You never stop learning and those are two areas which a) I find fun (I know, don’t ask) and b) can enrich my life further.

So there you have it, five new year resolutions that don’t have the ‘wow’ factor, but are realistic for my new year resolutions.


  1. Happy New Year Andrew!!:)
    Another great post to read!!
    I like your Resolutions and I think of the same one too. Walking more. The whole Eating over December and the less sporty activities were way too much and a 30min walk everyday isnt that much plus if you do it every day or every second its a super goal for your health!!!
    Avoiding whinge people is the best you can do! I did that too at Uni as I came to the conclusion that people with “sick” attitude as whinging or being always grumply all the time actually makes you sick in the long run as they dont care how YOU feel rather is important to them that they can tell anyone how miserable they feel. As normal healthy human being you have to make the choice and say thank you BUT NO THANK you to those peoples company-if you would even call it such. 😉
    Wish you all the best& keep us informed of how the resolutions are working out over the year!!!:)
    Mucho love *Linn*

  2. Fantastic set of resolutions Andrew. Completely agree with your “Try to avoid people who whinge” resolution. I’m terrible for moaning, so I’m working hard to avoid whinging at all, online and off. Ironically, I now get annoyed with people who just moan!

    I agree that surrounding yourself with positive people is a good move. I’ve already started spending less time with negative people, and more time with positive people.

    From reading your resolutions though, there seem to be more ‘shoulds’ rather than ‘wants’. Is there anything more you’re going to do because you just want to? e.g. trying a new hobby? Or traveling somewhere?


  3. Hi Linn & Dan,

    Happy New Year to you both. I hope you have a great 2011.

    Thank you both for leaving replies to the ‘new year resolutions’. Be great to hear if you both have new year resolutions also?

    Interesting you both mention the whinging also. Society is filled full of them and many not wishing to be empowered. I think the more ‘whingers’ you have surrounding you, the easier it is to fall into the same pattern and also feel your own energy drained. Linn is right often they don’t care how ‘you’ feel. Great to read Dan your spending less time with negative people. I’m doing the same and those I can’t escape, being consistent in the way I communicate with them and not feeding ‘their cycle of whinging’.

    I’ve signed up for dailymile to help track the walking, with the aid of google maps ‘direction finder’ to help work out the distance. Also a great excuse to take photos. As I was strolling yesterday everyone else was in a huge rush, walking very fast and I wondered a) are all of them running late? b) if they took the time to enjoy the coastal surroundings perhaps it would make them happier today.

    Your right Dan there is a lot of ‘shoulds’, but I do honestly ‘want’ to do them and make time for them. I have a serious amount of hobbies already, but am making time for these resolutions also. Believe me I find writing, english and maths enjoyable and earn money from my writing skill, but want to take them to the next level. I guess you can never stop improving those skills.

    You also can never do enough traveling, but this year isn’t the time for one of those major trips my girlfriend and I wish to do.

    Hope you both share your resolutions and cheers again for leaving replies.

    All the best


  4. Yeah, I do have some resolutions Andrew. They are written down however, as I don’t have a personal blog any more (to help me focus).

    My resolutions include losing 10% of my body weight (to get under BMI 25 again), give blood, meet a new earnings target for 2011, release at least 2 new WordPress-based products and to focus on just 3 websites (rather than lots of mini websites).


  5. Hi Dan,

    Great new year resolutions Dan. Especially giving blood, very kind of you.

    Best of luck with the weight lose. Let me know how you get on. I think with weight lose it doesn’t take much, but consistency is key. I shouldn’t of eaten all that choc and cheese over Christmas!

    I think it is great you have an earnings target for 2011 and like your goals. Like myself you are a multi-skilled tech among other skills, so goals help focus abilities. Looking forward to learning more about your new wordpress based products.

    As you know I hugely enjoy writing and run the blog. Please don’t hesitate to speak to me about how we can promote your new products and your existing services throughout 2011.

    All the best sir.


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