Welcome weary blog travelers, take a seat and warm yourself by the fire.

embarrassing childhood photo

In this blog post I’m going to cover three areas. So make yourself comfortable……

The purpose of this website

In a dark mind clouded by insanity and fueled by tea, this personal blog was created by I, Andrew with the purpose to share. To share insights, tips or just my experiences ad-hoc. The rabid hamster running the treadmill in my corrupt mind, aiding the churning out of blog posts covering whatever I feel like sharing at that moment in time. I also litter the blog with photos and embed video.

Who I am

I’m a thirty something British chap, whose family has roots stretching across the old British Empire and beyond. I hate racism, sexism, ageism, whingers and cinnamon. I am a reformed party animal. I’m a positive glass is half full type of guy who enjoys reading, history, science, cosmology, tech, but most of all annoying my wonderful, beautiful, intelligent and amazing girlfriend.

embarrassing childhood photo

I was born in London and I’ve lived in the United Kingdom all my life and a few years back moved to the gorgeous Isle of Wight, having also previous lived in Winchester (Hampshire), Surrey and Berkshire. Others were gobsmacked at our sacrifices (time, money and health) to make the move to the Isle of Wight, but we set a joint goal and made it happen. Now we can stroll along a beach whenever we want, enjoy the countryside and so much more the island has to offer.

A view from the Tennyson Trail

Life is too short to be fueled by hate, to linger on regret and to not progress. Life is to be cherished, enjoyed and to help each other when possible. I’ve had a set back or two in my time, like most, but when I want something I often go to almost insane lengths to obtain. Thinking outside of the box is definitely something I try to practice almost daily.

Why this blog is unique

Because I’m writing it! I often share aspects of my life that many would refrain from sharing. I don’t write for popularity, but because I enjoy the process and enjoy sharing.

Even though the ‘who i am’ section above is woefully incomplete, by subscribing to this blog you will discover more and at times get glimpses into my journey and life.

This post was written as part of the ‘Seven Day Blogging Challenge’.


  1. If by embarrassing childhood photo you mean awesome childhood photo I agree!

    I think it is inspiring that you chose somewhere that reflected what lifestyle you wanted and being able to stroll along the beach is certainly a nice payoff for your sacrifice. We’ve actually sacrificed our desired lifestyle by living where we do so I can definitely understand!!

  2. Annoying the girlfriend…. always an excellent time. 🙂

    My favorite is still jumping out of the closet while “igniting” a lightsaber in front of her. Good times, well worth the bruises.

    Looking forward to the week’s posts!

  3. Lee – Cheers for the awesome comment. Alas I had to wear that setup for a whole day, though so did my school friends, so wasn’t too bad. I hope one day, not too far off you reach your desired lifestyle. I know you and Tracey are both hard workers and a team, so wish the best.

    Bili – I completely agree, I think it is going to be a great week ahead. The challenge is being taken by people from many different countries and I’m loving the different approaches also.

    Jeff – re: lightsaber! lol. Awesome sir.

    Thank you everyone for taking part and enjoying the posts.

  4. I have to say, that is as an awesome childhood photo! I wish I had a photo of me that awesome.

    As always, wonderful post. I look forward to more of your posts. 🙂

  5. That photo of you is fantastic! I’m not sure I’d have anything that would come close … mine would just feature me with REALLY bad hair or shocking fashion sense! 😉

    I love the reasons why your blog is unique … I feel very much the same way about my own blog.

  6. Hi Tracey,

    Bad hair…shocking fashion sense…. you must share! 🙂

    Cheers for liking the reasons why my blog is unique and thanks for leaving a reply.

    All the best


  7. Hi Linn,

    As plenty more photos such as this….Andrew in a nasa suit, in racing car, as a choir boy and so on. Oh dear! I expect an equally embarrassing photo of you now! lol

    Cheers for leaving the reply.

    All the best


  8. lol!!! Me wants more sweet Andrew piccies!!! 🙂
    They are cute NOT embarrassing!!:)Needs to search for my old ones and have to scan them in…

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