Rest In Peace Susie

At the grand old age of nineteen, Susie the family cat passed away. She truly was a member of the family. A gentle British short-hair black cat, she was a fantastic addition to our life’s.

I remember going to collect her as a kitten. She was the runt of the litter, a very small cat. I called her Susie and very quickly she adapted to life with the family.

When I was a teenager she was my shadow and she used to lie there next to me whilst I read, moving her paw occasionally for attention. She had a different relationship with each member of the family.

She was a shy cat, weary of strangers. Never venturing far from the house, but in her youth she loved the garden, especially if someone was outside with her. There are so many wonderful stories I could share. We lost a member of the family and we all appreciated having her in our life’s.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Susie. Sending you and your family lots of love and hugs. I know that you will cherish the memories you have of her. It is so hard to lose a pet.

  2. Aww, I am sorry for your loss,Andrew (and Family). Bet lil Susie was a great mate to have around and I am sure you and the whole family will miss her a lot!
    RIP lil Fella!!!

  3. Hi Linn,

    Thanks Linn, appreciated. It was wonderful to have her in our lifes. She was a great mate to have around.

    Cheers for your kind words and for leaving a reply.

    All the best


  4. I’m sorry to hear about your family member loss – losing the furry friends is so very hard (Lee and I have been there and know how tough it can be). Thank goodness for the support of family and friends at such times with whom we can share lovely happy memories of our beloved friend.

  5. Hi Tracey,

    It doesn’t feel right that I won’t be seeing Susie again. She was part of the family.

    Thank you for your lovely and kind reply. You absolutely right the goodness and support of family and friends, with whom we can share memories is very welcomed. There are so many memories of Susie thay we’ve been sharing already.

    Cheers again for your lovely reply.


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