My Health and Well-Being Update – November 2012

It was about time I wrote an update about my health and well-being, so here it is!

I can’t tell you what my current weight is, because my weighing scale’s battery died! I shall shortly be replacing the battery, but I know I am on the right track for numerous reasons. Firstly I am rarely over-eating, even though I’ve been ill and tired recently. I have got to improve my water intake though, which is something I am working on. The food and drink I consume is pretty balanced, and I’m not drinking fizzy drinks or alcohol.

My well-being has been like a yo-yo. Huge pressures both in my personal and work life, which has resulted in some dramatic action, often thinking outside of the box to move forward. As I mentioned I’ve been tired a lot recently, practically suffering exhaustion, so a huge focus has been increasing sleep, and also getting on-top of issues, or at the very least addressing them somehow or having a game-plan.

Another area of improvement has been finances! It is important both when financially okay, or when suffering a few hiccups, to monitor finances, and often to use budgets. So for example my partner and I have a weekly food budget and Christmas budget etc. The excellent news is that my finances are going in the right direction, especially as my partner and I monitor, budget and give consideration to our outgoings.

I feel it is especially important to have short-term, medium and long-term goals to work towards. In my case many goals complementing the other. So my weight, exercise, diet, finances etc all impact each other, and so do many of my goals.

With the colder weather, I am looking better after myself this winter. I’m wrapping up warmer, but have got to start wearing my fingerless gloves more when writing!

Okay I could of written more about my health and well-being, but I will finish up this blog post. So basically there are many improvements, and many areas still to tackle, but I’m heading in the right direction, and feel motivated, and optimistic about the future.

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